Everything in Nigeria is politicised. Do we have to continue this way after decades of independence.
Politics apart, reality and credibility must prevail.
A typical example is the credible developmental instrument BRISIN that was introduced into Nigeria in 1998 and approved in 2007 by the Federal Executive Council (FEC) for implementation starting with FCT as Pilot and thereafter the (6) Geographical Zones of the Country.
BRISIN is the acronym for Basic Registry and Information system In Nigeria in other words an Integrated data and Information Infrastructure.
BRISIN Technical/ Implementation Committee was thereafter inaugurated in 2015 by the Ministry of Budget and Planning, as the Coordinating Ministry.
Due to Administrative bottlenecks, BRISIN implementation have been slow.
The primary essence of BRISIN is to institute Data Governance that will guide all Government decisions on Economic planning and development, investment and technological growth, revenue generation and economic monitoring, social welfare services and programmes, National security and social security systems, Rural development and employment opportunities.
BRISIN is an all encompassing solid platform which every developed and developing nation has as a fundamental and primary base for checks and balances in their national development.
The main aim of this article is to bring the youth and the media into championing the vision of change in Nigeria into the changing world. This vision of change is based on the implementation of BRISIN in Nigeria.
The feasibility of a strong enviable economy is not the issue of politics but a response to the developmental foundation which truthfully is what Nigeria Need at this time of difficulty, it must be a system that challenges the present loopholes in all facet of the sustainability of our economy.
We must learn to look and transmit Nigeria as an expanding universe growing with the contribution of its citizens, both old and young, seeing Nigeria with eyes that know how to read what it was in the past, and search of what it will be in the future.
Building Nigeria is not only about critics without participation, for you to demonstrate your love for Nigeria, it must go beyond personal interest.
What we ignore of Nigeria materializes our fears focusing our curiosity for individual responsibilities to praying and waiting for miracle.
The shifting boundary of knowledge as a solution to the threats to collective future poses risk of understanding what actually we need to do.
If you love Nigeria, you must agree on BRISIN, an instrument of measurement and sustainability and alliance, to peace and civil coexistence among Nigerians, a friend of internal security, legality and equality being a conscious citizen today in a modern computerized and technological Nigeria where ( land registry, motorization, health, education, environment, revenue generation, economic fiscal monitoring ), is redefining ways of life that offers new business opportunities, in total security envoironment.
The sustainable technological evolution applied to the BRISIN system, definitely introduces the concept of innovation as a force capable of redefining existing arrangements evolving in continuous adherence to the opportunities offered.
No measurability and traceability in space and time, that allow to connect any level of control through data and information and visa-vis puts the distance to the hypothesis of a strong and sure future for Nigeria as Africa’s leader.
Nigerian culture and diversity, united by the zeal for change become the engine for the implementation of the BRISIN system.
The fact that even the investors that had withdrawn from Nigeria would all come back on hearing that the government is implementing BRISIN.
Though BRISIN has witnessed delay in implementation which has continued to impede correct decisions of the leadership and has forced the economist and planners run out of vision for building solid instrument to fight social vices and program economic development.
BRISIN in Nigeria is extra vital because it’s the only instrument that has no Color, Religion, Ethnicity, Tribe or Gender, the only instrument for strong and vibrant economy with monitoring and control system, the only instrument that reduces the gap between the rich and the poor, the only instrument that would give Nigeria a strong currency value etc.
Considering that outside oil, Nigeria is a nation basically living on commerce and less production, the economy should have fundamental attitude on Fiscal and revenue management policy, which in actual fact cannot function without BRISIN, as a OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. The underground economy in Nigeria is about 70% and IGR is 30%. The reduction in oil price is sending fever to Nigeria because we diverted from following the principles of economic development which roots on facts and figures, Correct Data and Information is fundamental for Identification, Documentation and criminal monitoring including insurgencies. It is wise to note that the language of identification does not mean issuing ID Card alone, or NIN, numbers it goes beyond giving documents or numbers to, people without verification of information supplied by such individuals, hence non Nigerians are getting our ID Cards and Passports, and are committing offenses accredited to Nigerians. The absurd example of this anomaly is Boko Haram, and unknown gunmen which by the present non data and information has no face, simply because we cannot trace their identity to any family or residence, but they are human-beings with homes and families. A nation’s economy can be seen as well managed if every economic activity be it professional or commercial is monitored and controlled.
The VAT, TAX and other Revenues are not imposed by imagination, it is practically impossible to generate correct IGR without Integrated data and Information Infrastructure, either at the Ward, LGA, State or National level.
If IGR generated at all level could get to 80% it would be difficult to reduce the value of Naira, or remove oil subsidy and will eventually induce government giving free health and education to less privileged, unemployment and social welfare would also be considered. Nigeria would then be an investment target without double thinking.
Today, Nigerian Labour is completely disorganized, you can hardly know who is working, employed or unemployed, who is involved. In professional, commercial or any economic activity.
The problem of migration and the impossibility of identification pose’s security risk. In Nigeria. May be we can starts to understand the difference between speculation and reality.
THE NEWS OF BRISIN PILOT IMPLEMENTATION COMING UP IN FCT ABUJA is actually sending a very positive message to Nigerians all over the world that change is possible even in the state of confusion as we are today. So Nigeria must count to be counted.
With BRISIN full implementation people like United States President Donald Trump will never ever again say Nigeria is a “Shithole”.
We also have been told that intervention funds have been procured as counterpart funding for the successful implementation in FCT.
Henry P. Obada,
BRISIN Prophet